Blockbench Format Features

Blockbench has a number of built-in formats that optimize the interface and workflow for specific exports. This list attempts to give an overview over the features that each format enables, and where they can be used.

Java Block/ItemBedrock ModelBedrock LegacyModded EntityOptiFine EntityOptiFine PartGeneric ModelGeckoLib Model
Minecraft: Java Editionxxxx
Minecraft: Bedrock Editionxx
Type of model
Block modelsxx
Item modelsxxx
Entity modelsxxxxx
Armor modelsxxxx
Export Formats
.json (java blockmodel)xx
.json (bedrock geo)xxx
.json (bedrock animation)xxxx
Size limit (Blocks)3x3x3UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
Per-face UVxxxxxx
Box UVxxxxxxxx
UV face rotationsxx
Parent modelsx
Unrestricted cube sizing ⁵xxxxxx
Double sided face renderingxxxxxxx
Multiple textures supportxx
Bone rotationsxxxxxxx
Individual cube rotationsxxxxxx
Cube axis rotations133333
Rotation angle limits22.5°UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
Model animationsxxxx⁴xx
Texture animationsxxx
Animation time updatexxx
Blend weightxxx
Snowstorm particle renderingxxx
Sound/Particle/Custom Keyframesxxxx


  • ¹ Experimental feature
  • ² Only exports item display settings json (to control how items look in guis and hand)
  • ³ Use GeckoLib to run Blockbench animations in Minecraft mods
  • ⁴ Optifine entities support expression based animations. Requires the CEM Template Loader Plugin to be able to edit and preview inside Blockbench. Documentation
  • ⁵ Models that don't support unlimited cube sizes are restricted to only integers for cube sizes i.e. 0 1 2 etc.