This page lists some of the best creations in Blockbench history, from contest winners to new techniques and otherwise notable models.
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Splash Art Contest 4.12 Winner
For this Splash Art Contest with the theme "Treasure", 17 entries were submitted. This submission of an adventurer and a monkey escaping a jungle temple started out in third place in the first hour, but caught up during the voting phase and ended up winning with 513 votes!

Splash Art Contest 4.11 Winner
We saw a close race for first palce between two submissions in the 4.11 Splash Art Contest.
Ultimately, this fantastic submission of a solar-powered orange-picking robot in a lush orchard won with 381 votes, and made its way onto the 4.11 Splash Screen along with two other entries.

Splash Art Contest 4.10 Winner
For this contest, the theme was "Underwater". It was the first ever contest that was hosted on the Blockbench Splash Art Contest platform by Ewan Howell.
This beautiful underwater city won the contest 525 votes, leading the second place by 126 points! The piece is featured on the 4.10 Blockbench Splash Screen along with four other entries.

Splash Art Contest 4.9 Winner
The theme for this contest ("Fantasy") was determined by a poll on the Discord server, winning against ATV and Race Track.
This model and render of a beautiful palace between two rocky islands won first place with 1441 votes! The piece was featured on the 4.9 Blockbench Splash Screen along with the second place by Wacky and the 3rd place by David Grindholmen and Quinten Bench.

Splash Art Contest 4.8 Winner
There were many really beautiful models and renders for this Splash Art Contest with the theme "Camping Vehicle"! This submission stood out because of its innovative and very meta approach of incorporating elements of the 3D editor into the render, and it won with first place with 1106 votes! It appeared on the splash screen along with the 4 other top voted renders.

Splash Art Contest 4.7 Winner
The theme for the 14th Splash Art Contest was simply "Train". NeptuneCoffee and Dankbarkeit won first place with their beautiful overgrown train station!
The 4.7 Splash Art Contest was very successful, with 26 submissions in total up for vote, and so many of them deserving of being featured on the splash screen. That's why, in addition to the winning piece, we decided to feature the first 5 places on the Blockbench splash screen as a slideshow.

Nintendo DS Lite
Violet created this awesome DS Lite low-poly model as part of a series of retro tech and game consoles! The tweet was seen by over 3.5 million people on Twitter and introduced many new 3D and pixel artists to the capabilities of Blockbench.

Splash Art Contest 4.6 Winner
The theme for the 13th Splash Art Contest was "Arctic Exploration Vehicle". When Wacky enters a contest, it is tough to beat him. Even though Jonny324 and DrRuan's entry came close with 1151 votes, Wacky ultimately took the win with 1475 votes!
The scene contains several Blockbench models that you may not even see all at first glance! Next to the gigantic explorer vehicle that took inspiration from old cargo ships, there is also a giant bucket-wheel excavator in the background, and an ATV on the right side of the image. And of course there are the snowy cliffs in the background that were also created in Blockbench.

Splash Art Contest 4.5 Winner
The Splash Art Contest for Blockbench 4.5 marked the very first Runner-Up Splash Art Contest! All entries of previous contests that landed on second place were up against each other.
Wan_win's fantastic entry for the "Aviation" theme of 4.3 ultimately won with 728 votes and decorated the splash screen of Blockbench 4.5!

Splash Art Contest 4.4 Winner
The theme for the 11th Splash Art Contest was "Ice Cream Truck". Wacky entered and won the contest with 1730 votes, ahead of the second place by Eisenbart and Dankbarkeit with 1359 votes.
The scene was created with Blockbench's mesh tools and rendered in Blender. It features a vivid city scene, animal characters, and many easter eggs and details to discover!

Splash Art Contest 4.3 Winner
The theme for the Splash Art Contest for 4.3 was "Aviation". MidnitePixel and MisterGriimm decided to take a bit of a different approach to the theme and created a model Leonardo da Vinci's flying machine, suspended from the roof of his workshop
The beautiful colors and the lighting from the top are what made this submission stand out!

SpongeBob SquarePants
The SpongeBob SquarePants DLC for Minecraft was released in July 2022, and of course the iconic characters were all modeled in Blockbench!

Splash Art Contest 4.2 Winner
The theme for the Splash Art Contest was "Cozy Cabin". Shroomy and RedstoneMvv created not only a cabin, but also an entire landscape around it.
The entry over-all feels more like a painting than just a model, which made it perfect for the splash screen. This was also the first version where the splash art would show up on every start of the software, not just after the update!

Splash Art Contest 4.1 Winner
The 4.1 update of Blockbench was set to release right before Chrismas, so naturally the theme would have to be "Santa's Sleigh"!
MisterGriimm and MidnitePixel won this contest with their tiny christmas diorama inside a snow globe!
This was the first and only Splash Art Contest where the voting took place by a closed jury, as an experiment. The jury would consist of Discord staff, Modeling Pros and VIPs, and everyone who submitted an entry.

Splash Art Contest 4.0 Winner
The 7th Splash Art Contest was hosted during the beta phase of 4.0 and it's new mesh tools. Meshes were a very important feature in the update, so the Splash Art had to be modeled with meshes as a requirement. This also helped out with beta testing of the new features. Since meshes were an entirely new area for large parts of the community, there were only 3 submissions.
Wacky's submission respected the theme "city", while also referencing the style of older Splash Arts with a vehicle prominently placed in the middle. All while making use of and showcasing the new mesh capabilities.

Masteriano's City Scene
The City Scene for the 4.0 update Splash Screen contest by Masteriano and Hapico did not end up winning the contest, but that doesn't make it any less impressive!
The scene it set in New York in the 1970s, and features many easter eggs and references to the Blockbench community. The entry was designed in part during a Spark Universe company retreat in Greece, so Masteriano decided to include a few of his colleagues as extras in the scene!

Low Poly Fox
The Low Poly Fox was created during development of the new Blockbench mesh tools. It was made as a test for the brand new model style and the color-only template generator.

Gas Station
The Gas Station was the first installment of Jelle's city scene series. The quality and attention-to-detail makes these scenes some of the best Blockbench models ever created!

Splash Art Contest 3.9 Winner
18 entries were submitted for the 6th Splash Art Contest with the theme "Off Road Pickup Truck". Ultimately, it was a head-to-head race between Wacky's submission, and this entry. Loren and Dankbarkeit's splash art ended up winning the contest with 636 votes, slightly ahead of Wacky with 575 votes.

Splash Art Contest 3.9: Wacky's Submission
This was the first ever contest that Wacky joined but did not win. Still, the model is too good to not include in the gallery!

Splash Art for 3.8
I created this MB Trac with log trailer model personally as a new "figure-head model", for the 3.8 Splash Screen, as well as for various marketing screenshots, including the program screenshots on the website and the Github page.
Fun fact: This was months before the Mesh update, so the low poly trees were actually created in Blender to fill out the background. The rest of the model was designed in Blockbench though.

The Wayfarer
In January, Sketchfab and Blockbench joined forces to create the first ever Sketchfab X Blockbench Modeling Challenge. The 22 entries were judged by a jury, and Ycar's "Wayfarer" won! Wacky's and Jelle's submissions landed on second and third place, respectively. Ycar won a custom T-shirt, a 50$ Amazon gift card, and 6 months of Sketchfab Plus. The Model was also featured as a special Splash Screen on the Blockbench start screen for 3 weeks after the contest!

Splash Art Contest 3.7 Winner
The theme for the 5th Splash Art Contest was "Snow Plow", continuing the series of construction and utility vehicles on splash screens. Jelle took it to the next level and submitted two snow plows in one!

Trading Post
The Trading Post was one in a series of models that Ycar created for the low-poly automation game Factory Town!
Factory Town was the first notable game to use Blockbench models outside of the Minecraft ecosystem, which was a major step for the program. The models are also incredibly cute!

Minecraft Goat
The Goat was one of the first vanilla Minecraft models that was created in Blockbench! It was first shown as part of the mountains biome in the community vote at Minecon Live 2019. After winning the vote, the Goat was added to Minecraft as part of the Caves and Cliffs Update, Part 1.

Splash Art Contest 3.6 Winner
The Theme for this contest was "Fire Truck" with the only requirement being that it would not be an American-style fire engine. There was quite a lot of competition in this contest, with Nygma, TONG98 and DerBauersSohn submitting awesome entries, however ultimately Wacky's super detailed Scania fire engine won the contest with 709 votes!

Splash Art 3.5
The fuel truck for the 3.5 Splash Art was another repurposed model that I created. It's from the "Planes" map by Spark Universe. The truck fit nicely into the series of construction and utility vehicles on the splash screen.

Splash Art 3.2
Sometimes, the update is ready, and there is no time left to host a major contest or design a new model. For the 3.2 update, I was able to re-purpose a wheel loader model that I had made for a Minecraft Marketplace project at Spark Universe which was never released. I added different colored paint buckets into the bucket to represent "Colors", the theme of the 3.2 update. Then I placed it on a gravel terrain in Blender and created a render with the colors in the foreground.

Splash Art Contest 3.0 Winner
The theme for the 3.0 Splash Art Contest was "forklift", or alternatively a telehandler or skid steer. Since the 3.0 update had model formats as its core feature, one of the requirements for the Splash Art was to show the forklift handling these formats, which would be represented as boxes.

Splash Art Contest 2.6 Winner
This was the first Splash Art Contest ever! The process and rules were very different back then, but this one started the tradition of Splash Art Contests to determine the Splash Art for an update. The 2.6 update introduced P2P edit sessions and built-in Sketchfab uploading, so it was named the "Connection Update", and that also became the theme of the contest.
This entry by Wacky depicts the Opportunity Mars rover that was launched back in 2003.

Splash Art 2.0
Version 2.0 was a big update for Blockbench, it featured multi-language support, a more extendable and customizable UI and backend, and quad view mode. So it needed something special for the Splash Screen! I created the truck model with the two cranes as a new "flagship-model" for Blockbench. LNeoX created a beautiful render.
The Splash Art was used with a big 2 in the background as a teaser on Twitter, and on the Blockbench website. 2.0 would be the first and only update to launch along-side a blog post on the Blockbench website.

Red Excavator
This Red Excavator appeared on the first ever Blockbench splash screen, in version 1.9! The Splash Screen used to look surprisingly similar to the one in modern Blockbench versions, just a lot smaller.

Unimog U2150
The Unimog was the first ever figure-head model for Blockbench. It was meant to showcase what's possible in Blockbench, and to be used in other marketing and documentation screenshots.
The creation of this model can be seen as a timelapse on YouTube. The model was created in Blockbench 1.7.
Here, the model can be seen imported into a Minecraft world, as a Java Block/Item model, with shaders enabled.